CS521: Parallel Algorithms & Architecture (Spring 2006)


Course Assignments

  1. Sorting & Merging using quick sort [PROGRAMMING].
    A. Sorting & merging with three concurrent processes.
    B. Sorting & merging with N concurrent processes.
    Total credits including both parts: 10

  2. Prime Factor Search [PROGRAMMING]

  3. The Mandelbrot demo [PROGRAMMING]

  4. Cartesian Topology, Splitting Communicators, fully  decentralized distributed computing example - Parallel Matrix Multiplication [PROGRAMMING]

  5. The Heat Transfer Problem [PROGRAMMING]
    - Solution for problem 6.15, Page 195 of Parallel Programming Techniques and Applications
    Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers 
    by Wilkinson & Allen

  6. (a) Study of PTP/CDT Toolkits in Eclipse for MPI Program Development. [SOFTWARE INSTALLATION]
    (b) Study of PTP Runtime & Debug Environments.
    Total credits including both parts: 15

  7. "Tau - The Art of Visualization" - Study of Tau in Program Analysis
  8. Survey of Matlab tools for MPI programming [ESSAY]

  9. Dual Core Processors - A Brief Overview [ESSAY] - I got excited about this topic after a discussion on multiprocessor technology and its impact on kernel design with my supervisor.

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